Economic Activities


The dominant economic activities in the area are agriculture, banking and commerce. But agriculture is the dominant economic activity in Buea (about 80%) which forms the backbone of the local economy, and the success of it depends on rainfall. Some people in Buea engage in mostly subsistence farming for the up-keep of their families.

Much of the agriculture is in the form of small-scale farming of food crops and fruits that supply not only the local market but also neighboring countries like Gabon and Equatorial Guinea. The leading company, the Cameroon Tea Estate (CTE) is engaged in industrial cultivation: grows and processes tea in Tole. The economy is also dominated by petty trade and commerce. Traders from the neighboring towns buy farm produce from the local markets in Buea at very cheap prices and take to towns like Limbe and Douala where they sell at high prices. Some are employed at the Tole tea Estate which is a part of the Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC), the second largest employer in Cameroon. 


Apart from this, a significant number that are employed in the secondary and tertiary sectors such as banking, health services (government and private), teaching (public, mission and private primary and secondary schools) etc. The revenues derived from these works especially from the primary sector are also very low, thus compelling them to engage in multiple occupations. This also brings many migrants into the area to work in these institutions.
